Useful information worth knowing from the world of Prozeda
House and apartment stations
Systems technology from Prozeda for the use of local and district heat
detailsOur Product Portfolio
We work continuously at channelling new ideas into our processes and products. Our goals are accordingly demanding: To develop better and more efficient solutions that have what it takes to assert themselves on the world market.
Production-accompanying quality checks and a 100% computer-aided final inspection make sure that our products display a consistently high level of quality.
Customer orientation
We work closely with our customers throughout the formation process. Loyalty and fairness are important cornerstones of our long-standing customer relationships.
Our development work is aimed at making efficient use of energy and minimising the related side effects for man and nature. In addition we give preference to environment-friendly materials and processes.
“... is best reflected by our products. They unite a fascination for technology with our personal goals: to make careful use of the world’s ever scarcer resources and to create jobs in our home region.”